Labour selects Emma Scott-Spivey for North Yorkshire PFCC by-election Labour’s candidate for the North Yorkshire police, fire and crime commissioner by-election will be 23…
CLP statement regarding the comments by North Yorkshire PFCC Philip Allott 02 Oct 2021 Richmond (Yorks) Labour Party are absolutely appalled at the comments made by Conservative Police, Fire…
Labour support for protest against Universal Credit cuts Richmond (Yorkshire) Labour party turned out to back a protest organised by Unite the Union,…
Report of The North Yorkshire Rural Commission 01 Sep 2021 In July, the North Yorkshire Rural commisiion set out it’s plans for the future of…
Campaigning in Northallerton for the PFCC elections Party members were out and about on Wednesday 28th April and Saturday 1st May campaigning…
Labour PFCC Candidate Calls For Fixed Speed Cameras In Villages Blighted By Speeding 24 Apr 2021 Alison Hume, the Labour PFCC candidate, has pledged to trial the use of fixed speed…
“To regain the trust of victims, we urgently need a change of culture”. 04 Apr 2021 The Labour candidate in the forthcoming Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner elections has today launched…
Local Elections Postponed pending consultation on Local Government reorganisation Local Government secretary Robert Jenrick has announced that the upcoming local elections due to take…
Tory austerity forces a third of police stations in North Yorkshire to be closed and sold off 04 Mar 2021 Labour’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner (PFCC) candidate for North Yorkshire has voiced serious concern…
North Yorkshire Labour Leader Condemns Unfairness of the Council Tax 24 Feb 2021 The Labour Group on North Yorkshire County Council agreed at the Budget meeting on 17thFebruary…